UKESF Girls in Electronics Open Day

Wednesday, 13th July 2022

(Credits: UKESF,

On Wednesday, 13th July 2022, a joint event held by UKESF at Imperial College London Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering presented an opportunity for female Year 11 and Sixth-form students to develop their interest in electronics.

The students experienced sample lectures from Imperial's leading academics, as well as a Q&A panel with UKESF scholars, including myself, describing the student experience studying electronics, particularly at Imperial College. 

I was responsible for presenting some physical demonstrations, as well as taking the students for a tour around the department and campus.

Finally, the students got hands-on with an Arduino dev-kit with various sensors in a lab-activity.

This event was really powerful, and I believe has made a lot of impact in terms of breaking historical barriers to accessing such a wide-ranging and diverse field of study. Hopefully, I can quantify this in next year's data!

If you would like to take part, or learn more about the events, more details can be found at: