IC Hack 2024

Team Photo

Closing Ceremony

I had a lot of fun last weekend participating in ICHack, Europe's largest student-run hackathon, (https://ichack.org/) last weekend with Aarya Banthia आर्य बाँठिया, JiaJu Y., Kevin Lau, Kridhay Mahesh and Hanbo Xie. We competed in Optiver's Trading Challenge and we were one of the finalists out of over 50 teams chosen to present to the Optiver representatives!

I learnt the basics of financial markets, and algorithmic trading strategies that suit different market conditions, as well as the benefits of low-latency in the industry; I developed skills in High-Level Synthesis and developed a custom-FPGA accelerator.

Thank you to all the sponsors and Imperial College London's DoCSoc (Department of Computing Society) for organising a great hackathon!